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Enlarged prostate surgery is a common treatment. The safety and risks of surgery are affected by various factors, such as the type of surgery, patient's age, overall health, and the results of pre-operative examinations.

At present, the surgical methods for the treatment of enlarged prostate mainly include open surgery and laparoscopic surgery. Open surgery is a traditional surgical method that requires an incision in the lower abdomen of the patient. The operation risk is relatively high, but it is a more effective treatment method for some patients. Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgery with smaller surgical wounds, less trauma to the patient, and usually fewer complications.

Risks and complications of surgery may include:

Risks of anesthesia: The operation requires general anesthesia, which has certain risks for some patients with poor physical condition.

Bleeding: There may be a risk of bleeding during surgery, especially in some older patients, who may require blood transfusions after surgery.

Urinary incontinence: Surgery may cause urinary incontinence, which is usually temporary, but sometimes may require further treatment.

Ejaculation disorders: Surgery may cause ejaculation disorders, including azoospermia and oligospermia.

Infections: Infections such as UTIs, UTIs, etc. may develop after surgery.

Enlarged Prostate Surgery Compared

At present, the main surgical methods for the treatment of enlarged prostate are as follows:

Open surgery: Traditional surgery in which surgery is performed through the abdomen or perineum. Although the effect is obvious, the operation is risky and requires a long recovery period after the operation.

Cystoscopy: Also known as TURP surgery, surgery is performed through the bladder to remove enlarged prostate tissue using high-frequency electrocution. This procedure works well, but complications such as urethral stricture and ejaculation disturbances may occur.

Laser surgery: Laser therapy uses a laser to burn away enlarged prostate tissue. The procedure has less blood loss and a shorter recovery time, but is more expensive.

Heat therapy: Heat therapy is to burn the enlarged prostate tissue by introducing heat energy, www.poxet.tw including microwave therapy and steam therapy. The procedure can usually be performed in an office and can be done in a few hours, but the results may be slightly less effective.

Ultrasound surgery: This procedure works by directing ultrasound waves into the enlarged prostate tissue to burn away the tissue. This surgery is a non-invasive method, but it is less effective than other surgical methods.

Each surgical method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the method that is most suitable depends on the specific situation of the patient and the doctor's recommendation. If you need prostate enlargement surgery, it is recommended that you discuss the best procedure for you with your doctor.

Enlarged prostate laser surgery cost

The cost of laser surgery for enlarged prostate varies by region and hospital. Generally speaking, the operation fee will include the anesthesia fee, surgical equipment fee, operating room usage fee, surgeon and anesthesiologist fees, etc. The cost of laser surgery for enlarged prostate ranges from about 150,000 to 200,000 yuan. Surgery costs may also vary in other countries. If you need laser surgery for enlarged prostate, it is recommended that you inquire about the relevant operation costs and insurance reimbursement from the local hospital or clinic in advance.

In general, the safety and risks of prostate hypertrophy surgery vary from person to person. Before considering surgery, patients should carefully evaluate their physical condition and surgical risks, and make decisions based on the doctor's advice. Before the operation, patients should undergo a comprehensive medical examination to ensure that their physical condition can withstand the pressure of the operation, and they should also follow the doctor's advice, such as avoiding medication, fasting, etc.

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