在女性性功能障礙問卷評估方面,有數個不同的版本,其中最常見及採用的為女性性功能指數(Female Sexual Function Index,FSFI),其分為六大部分女性性功能量表(性慾、性喚醒、潤滑度、高潮、滿足及疼痛),共十九條問題(如附錄)。
> 5)。
其他輔助的檢查儀器有陰道光體積描記法(Vaginal photoplethysmography),此種裝置是將一個約6 x
他達拉非 勃起功能障礙 印度雙效威而鋼 壯陽藥 威而柔 威而鋼 威而鋼作用 威而鋼使用心得 威而鋼價格 威而鋼副作用 威而鋼哪裡買 威而鋼用法 必利勁 必利勁副作用 必利勁哪裡買 必利勁效果 必利勁用法 性冷感是什麼 日本丸奈持久液 早洩 早洩偏方 早洩原因 早洩吃什麼 早洩治療ppt 早洩治療費用 早洩治療門診 早洩看什麼科 早洩藥物哪裡買 早洩藥物藥局 果凍威而鋼 果凍威而鋼ptt 果凍威而鋼副作用 果凍威而鋼哪裡買 樂威壯 治療早洩運動 泰國果凍威而鋼心得 犀利士5mg價格 犀利士每日錠 藍P必利吉 西地那非 超級威而鋼 超級犀利士 陽痿 雙效威而鋼 雙效犀利士
附 錄:
Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and Scoring
Sexual desire or interest is a feeling that includes wanting to have a sexual
experience, feeling receptive to a partner's sexual initiation, and thinking or
fantasizing about having sex.
1. Over the past 4 weeks, how often did you feel sexual desire or interest?
5 = Almost always or always
4 = Most times (more than half the time)
3 = Sometimes (about half the time)
2 = A few times (less than half the time)
1 = Almost never or never
2. Over the past 4 weeks, how would you rate your level (degree) of sexual
desire or interest?
5 = Very high
4 = High
3 = Moderate
2 = Low
1 = Very low or none at all
Sexual arousal is a feeling that includes both physical and mental aspects of
sexual excitement. It may include feelings of warmth or tingling in the
genitals, lubrication (wetness), or muscle contractions.
3. Over the past 4 weeks, how often did you feel sexually aroused ("turned on")
during sexual activity or intercourse?
0 = No sexual activity
5 = Almost always or always
4 = Most times (more than half the time)
3 = Sometimes (about half the time)
2 = A few times (less than half the time)
1 = Almost never or never
4. Over the past 4 weeks, how would you rate your level of sexual arousal ("turn
on") during sexual activity or intercourse?
0 = No sexual activity
5 = Very high
4 = High
3 = Moderate
2 = Low
1 = Very low or none at all
5. Over the past 4 weeks, how confident were you about becoming sexually aroused
during sexual activity or intercourse?
0 = No sexual activity
5 = Very high confidence
4 = High confidence
3 = Moderate confidence
2 = Low confidence
1 = Very low or no confidence
6. Over the past 4 weeks, how often have you been satisfied with your arousal
(excitement) during sexual activity or intercourse?
0 = No sexual activity
5 = Almost always or always
4 = Most times (more than half the time)
3 = Sometimes (about half the time)
2 = A few times (less than half the time)
1 = Almost never or never
7. Over the past 4 weeks, how often did you become lubricated ("wet") during
sexual activity or intercourse?
0 = No sexual activity
5 = Almost always or always
4 = Most times (more than half the time)
3 = Sometimes (about half the time)
2 = A few times (less than half the time)
1 = Almost never or never
8. Over the past 4 weeks, how difficult was it to become lubricated ("wet")
during sexual activity or intercourse?
0 = No sexual activity
1 = Extremely difficult or impossible
2 = Very difficult
3 = Difficult
4 = Slightly difficult
5 = Not difficult
9. Over the past 4 weeks, how often did you maintain your lubrication
("wetness") until completion of sexual activity or intercourse?
0 = No sexual activity
5 = Almost always or always
4 = Most times (more than half the time)
3 = Sometimes (about half the time)
2 = A few times (less than half the time)
1 = Almost never or never
10. Over the past 4 weeks, how difficult was it to maintain your lubrication
("wetness") until completion of sexual activity or intercourse?
0 = No sexual activity
1 = Extremely difficult or impossible
2 = Very difficult
3 = Difficult
4 = Slightly difficult
5 = Not difficult
11. Over the past 4 weeks, when you had sexual stimulation or intercourse, how
often did you reach orgasm (climax)?
0 = No sexual activity
5 = Almost always or always
4 = Most times (more than half the time)
3 = Sometimes (about half the time)
2 = A few times (less than half the time)
1 = Almost never or never
12. Over the past 4 weeks, when you had sexual stimulation or intercourse, how
difficult was it for you to reach orgasm (climax)?
0 = No sexual activity
1 = Extremely difficult or impossible
2 = Very difficult
3 = Difficult
4 = Slightly difficult
5 = Not difficult
13. Over the past 4 weeks, how satisfied were you with your ability to reach
orgasm (climax) during sexual activity or intercourse?
0 = No sexual activity 5 = Very satisfied
4 = Moderately satisfied
3 = About equally satisfied and dissatisfied
2 = Moderately dissatisfied
1 = Very dissatisfied
14. Over the past 4 weeks, how satisfied have you been with the amount of
emotional closeness during sexual activity between you and your partner?
0 = No sexual activity
5 = Very satisfied
4 = Moderately satisfied
3 = About equally satisfied and dissatisfied
2 = Moderately dissatisfied
1 = Very dissatisfied
15. Over the past 4 weeks, how satisfied have you been with your sexual
relationship with your partner?
5 = Very satisfied
4 = Moderately satisfied
3 = About equally satisfied and dissatisfied
2 = Moderately dissatisfied
1 = Very dissatisfied
16. Over the past 4 weeks, how satisfied have you been with your overall sexual
5 = Very satisfied
4 = Moderately satisfied
3 = About equally satisfied and dissatisfied
2 = Moderately dissatisfied
1 = Very dissatisfied
17. Over the past 4 weeks, how often did you experience discomfort or pain
during vaginal penetration?
0 = Did not attempt intercourse
1 = Almost always or always
2 = Most times (more than half the time)
3 = Sometimes (about half the time)
4 = A few times (less than half the time)
5 = Almost never or never
18. Over the past 4 weeks, how often did you experience discomfort or pain
following vaginal penetration?
0 = Did not attempt intercourse
1 = Almost always or always
2 = Most times (more than half the time)
3 = Sometimes (about half the time)
4 = A few times (less than half the time)
5 = Almost never or never
19. Over the past 4 weeks, how would you rate your level (degree) of discomfort
or pain during or following vaginal penetration?
0 = Did not attempt intercourse
1 = Very high
2 = High
3 = Moderate
4 = Low
5 = Very low or none at all
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